We are a grassroots organization made up of citizens of Clinton County, Iowa designed to promote and preserve the uniquely American ideals of freedom, individual liberty, morality, entrepreneurship, and small, limited government. We do this in two ways. First, by seeking and supporting candidates who embody these principles nationally, statewide, and locally. Second, by shaping the national and state party platforms to reflect these ideals.
- Tim Striley, Chair timstriley@gmail.com
- Steve Cundiff, Co-Chair stevecundiffmilo@gmail.com
- Lee Cartwright, Co-Chair aubreycartwright@gmail.com
- Linda Nichols, Secretary sec.cciagop@protonmail.com
- Myrna Neumann, Treasurer myrnancpa@mchsi.com
Committee Chair:
- Mark Reiland, Communications markreiland@reagan.com